The National HOPE Alliance is a coalition of community and healthcare leaders, consumer and worker advocates, employer groups, and others working to help over 100 million Americans manage their health expenses
and access the care they need.
Our Mission
We are fighting for Congress to pass H.R.9394, the Health Out-of-Pocket Expense (HOPE) Act, a new solution to help individuals and families struggling with the challenges of runaway healthcare costs. We operate to raise awareness, mobilize communities, and urge policymakers to support this critical measure to help millions of Americans better manage their healthcare expenses.
Why we support the Act

Healthcare costs have skyrocketed - and they’re only getting worse. As millions struggle with runaway out-of-pocket health expenses, the HOPE Act helps hardworking Americans prepare for inevitable medical expenses, access the care they need, and build a better, more secure future.
Our Vision
We envision a future where healthcare is affordable and accessible to everyone, where no family must choose between paying for medical care and other basic needs. Through the HOPE Act, we aim to create a more just and equitable society, where every American has the opportunity to thrive, no matter their income or background.